Curator applications are currently open!

Curation Recruitment is Currently Open!

We are re-opening our curator applications! We're looking for 3 outstanding applicants of any skill level that are willing to help with the Curation Request Queue as needed. These applicants should also be people who:

  • have plenty of free time, enthusiasm, and passion for playing and curation,
  • are able to demonstrate familiarity with the “Objective Issues” that bar a map from curation,
  • are mature and have a good attitude!

Think you'd be a good fit?

🔍 Please review the BeastSaber Curation Team Handbook before applying

📋 Fill out an application here

You must be a member of the BeastSaber Discord Server in order to be considered! Please be sure to allow Direct Messages from members in the server. Our Senior Curators will review your application and let you know if you make it or not.

If you applied previously and want to reuse your application, please DM a Senior Curator to let us know.